Welcome to Gun Funny, Episode 71. Today we’re going to chat with Alex Bosco from SB Tactical, make a prank call about Gertrude’s get rich quick scheme, and talk about bump stocks.

Today’s panel is Shawn Herrin and I’m Ava Flanell.

Welcome to the show everyone.

Manticore Armshttps://manticorearms.com/

Use code gunfunny15 for 15% off

Deconstructing the IndustrySB Tactical

Hackett Equipment – (15mins in) https://hackettequipment.com/

Use code GunFunny20  for 20% off

Matador Arms – http://matadorarms.com/

Use code Gunfunny10 for 10% off

Prank call – Gertrude needs to unload some bump stocks

Polymer80 https://www.polymer80.com/

Use code GunFunny for 10% off

Tacti-Talk – Bump Stocks

-melting, shredding, or crushing it. You can also cut it, but has to follow ATF’s guidelines here

-A lawsuit brought by the Firearms Policy Coalition argues that bump stock owners must be compensated for devices that ATF had previously ruled legal

-GOA – “ATF’s claim that it can rewrite Congressional law cannot pass legal muster. Agencies are not free to rewrite laws under the guise of ‘interpretation’ of a statute, especially where the law’s meaning is clear.”

-How will the gov’t enforce this? There’s very little paper trail of ownership

-What’s next? What precedent does this set?

-14th Amendment – nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Itunes Reviews

Squatty Bob – 5 Stars – Best podcast to shave grandpa’s back to. – The podcast is great. It would be better if Tickles could replace the one host named Kyle or what ever. Anyway, more Tickles.

DJ87558 – 5 Stars – Pronunciation matters – This podcast gets 5 stars because they know how to pronounce ambidextrous. Wasn’t sure about it at first but it is definitely growing on me. The statements they make are factual and the guest they bring on the show are great. I have only listen to half a dozen episodes and picked up two more podcasts from the people they have interviewed.

Bullogna Hunter – 5 Stars – My new fav Ava Flave & her trusty sidekick S.H. in the place  – They got their fingers on the pulse what’s going on with some some lighthearted laughs mixed in. Featuring guest like Michael Bane & Xena Amirana of March for our Rights. Give Gun Funny a listen. It’s the podcast you have been looking for.

Wrapping up – Find us at gunfunny.com, as well as:







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Charger Arms

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